Friday, October 07, 2011

Jog a Thon, Glazing Pots, and Rockets

I'm afraid today was just an average old day of: JOG A THON, ART, and ROCKETS!

Your kids did an amazing job in the Jog-a-thon.

The rest of the day's activities consisted of glazing the clay pots, reading, and creating rockets.
The rockets were made out of paper and were launched by the rocket launcher that we built as a class with the supplies that C6 family members donated. THANK you to all those that helped out!

Many kids wanted to make their own launchers at home so here are some directions.
Materials: 4' of PVC pipe, 3" bolt (washer and nut), bicycle tire tube, 2 liter pop bottle, duct tape, 4 L-brackets and screws, 2 (3'-4') lengths of 1 x8 or 2 x 8 boards
1. Bracket the boards together in a perpendicular, upside down "T" shape
2. Drill a whole 3/4 of the way up the vertical board
3. Drill a whole in the 4' length of PVC pipe 2/3 of the way down one side of the pipe
4. Bolt together the vertical board and the PVC pipe
5. Duct tape the tire tube to the short end of the PVC pipe
6. Duct tape the bottle to the tire tube
7. Stomp on the label part of the bottle to launch a rocket off the long end of the PVC pipe

Have Fun!

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Field Trip to Keizer Rapids next Week!

Sorry this is short notice, but we have a great opportunity for a free field trip. PLEASE print up and fill out the form attached on the right and send it with you child tomorrow. Anyone that does not fill it out, I will give a hard copy to tomorrow. Thank you!

Posting Homework Grades, RAH Minutes on the BLOG

Looking for your insight...

I want to add a link to the blog to inform parents and students about their homework progress. The link would be the spreadsheet I use to record homework grades. The spreadsheet would have everyone's first name and grades recorded so far for homework this year as well as new grades as they come. I also want to post the RAH minutes in the same way.

This means that anyone that accesses the blog could see your child's grade for homework and progress in RAH.

My policy for homework is that each child does it and turns it in on time. If that is accomplished, a student will earn a 4. If it's late, it will be a 3. If there are parts missing, they might get a 3. If they make many errors, they could earn a 3. The kids know if they have questions or don't understand something, they can always ask me about the homework in class. Some students are concerned about their homework grade being posted on the blog. I haven't heard of anyone being hesitant about the RAH being posted. I challenged them to think about how the posting of RAH and Homework is different. So far I don't have a solid answer.

I'm interested in both student and parent comments and concerns.
Would this be a valuable resource to you?
Do you not want your/your child's homework grade posted?

Please leave comments below in the comment section or email me.
If no one objects to this, I will post the grades and the RAH tomorrow.

Thank you!
Mr. J

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Rockets, Math, Homework, Volunteering


I wanted to thank those parents that brought items in for our C6 Rocket Launcher.

So far we have plenty of Duct Tape, brackets, bolts.

We still need:
* PVC pipe: 1 (3') length
* PVC pipe: 30 (1 foot) long sections to use a molds
(I forgot to mention this until now. We could do okay with just 15 molds)
* 2 (4' long boards of 1 x 10 would be best)

Thank you for your support!

Math: I hope to launch the 5th Grade math curriculum tomorrow.

Homework: I'd love to find a volunteer that I could send the homework home with to grade our homework each Tuesday....any volunteers???

Speaking of Volunteers: I could use some in class to help with math, reading groups, writing or science. I've linked my schedule to Google docs to the right. See if there's a time you could come in and help out. It doesn't have to be a regular time, but that would be nice! Also Diane Clingerman wanted to allow someone the privilege of being the classroom volunteer coordinator, but would take on that role again this year if no one takes on this role. Volunteering really does help me and the students out tremendously. Thank you again to all of you who helped out last year!!!