Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Holidays, Conferences, Holiday Crafts $$

Hi C6 Families,

I want to wish you and yours happy holidays! I look forward to conferencing with the parents Monday and Tuesday and further update you on the wonderful progress your children have made this year.

Holiday Crafts:
We are doing some holiday crafts when we come back from Thanksgiving break and the Cpod teachers are asking each of their students for $5 to help cover the cost. It would really help me out if you could bring the $5 to the conference. We are purchasing some of the items over the break and could use the upfront money. Thanks again for all your support this year.

See you next week!
Mr. J

Monday, November 14, 2011

Special Request: Volunteer

The 5th grade teachers need some help with scanning a curriculum book into the copier so that we can access the curriculum. There is only one copy of the curriculum and 3 teachers to share it. If we scan it we will each have our own copy. The scanning may take from 1 to 2 hours of your time... Any volunteers?


Alien Invasion

We are doing some TAG screening activities in class the next few days and one in particular will need some materials from home. The activity "Alien" is described in full detail with the link to the left.

In brief, the students have chosen their own groups to make a robot that is 2 feet tall out of recycled materials. They met today in their groups to discuss their robot design. There will be a writing activity and math activity connected with their alien.

SO please help them find some clean (no food on the containers) recycled materials that can be brought to class tomorrow so they may begin construction.