Thursday, April 12, 2012

Birthday Celebrations

We are behind in birthday celebrations...again...sorry! I have a date picked out to make it up to everyone. According to my list, celebrations are due for:

Eryne (I don't think we included her January) Marley, Noah H, Hayley, Jacob H, Ayden, and Travis

Is there a volunteer out there to help coordinate parents/kids to make the celebration a great one.

Here's the details

Date: Wednesday, April 18
Time: 1:15-2:15
Note: We have our Architecture class at 2:30 and need to be all cleaned up and ready to listen and work by 2:25



We have been learning about the Solar system during this last unit in science. We have created a few different models of the solar system and are creating Prezis to help explain the orbit of the sun and the moon, the importance of the tilt of the Earth, and the phases of the moon. If parents get a chance they should check out the scale solar system we made in the cpod hallway and look for the prezis to be posted online.


FYI the next standard we learn about in science is "Force and Motion". I may be requesting some parent support for both helping with the activities involved in these lessons and for some extra supplies. Our supply budget is gone now for the school. Thank you in advance :)