Thursday, October 04, 2012

We are Rolling!

Dear Families,

This year has been a beautiful start to the year. We are rolling! Here are some highlights. First, I'm seeing a genuine hunger to read developing in the classroom. In fact we read 27,171 minutes in September. That's pretty good, but we are set to smash that month's goal. We already have 3552 minutes for October. If we keep that pace, it we will get 36,704 minutes in October. But what is most encouraging is the engagement the kids are developing with their reading time!

The same has been observed in math. Your kids have been taught to add and subtract numbers up to land over the millions. Next week we will work on problem solving and times tables. I'll be contacting my volunteers to recruit some help with multiplication facts next week during math time from 1pm-2pm.

In writing, our students have built a great deal of stamina. 90% of the class can write 70 words in 7 minutes. You should challenge them to do this. Also more than half the class has taken on the challenge of writing with someone at home. To earn an E in writing they need to do 10 entries/letters to someone at home who then responds to them. Some are writing stories together at home.

In science we have done inquiries with paper airplanes and with bouncy balls.

Thanks for your home support. I'm excited for the Jog-a-thon tomorrow!

Kyle Jorgensen

Two requests:
1. Volunteers during math time next week from 1pm-2pm to help with basic multiplication
2. Order books through Scholastic and my number: K42N3 so we can earn bonus points to buy books for our class!

1 comment:

  1. I can come in and volunteer for math on Monday.
    Erika Raschkes


I'm going to try allowing comments on the blog. If you'd like to make a comment feel free. This is a school so keep it safe. One thought is people could comment on the blog if they have an idea or volunteer for something. Thanks!