Monday, December 12, 2011

The Book Report,

A couple of weeks ago I assigned a book report. The kids have chosen the books and most of them are almost done reading. The reports are due on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. This report has been pretty open and flexible. I've challenged them to pick a book in a different genre than what they normally read. Most are reading either a classic, a biography, researching a topic, and some are just doing a report on a current book. I want a 3 minute report from each book. Here are some loose guidelines for what to say about your book/topic.  Kids were allowed to work in groups. If you have any questions, please email me.

Hello, my name is __________________ and I want to tell you about the incredible book (topic) I read (about): _____________________________.

This book is ______________________________
Explain what type of genre your book is
(contemporary fiction, classic, biography, scientific topic, informational on a historical topic)

Why you chose your book/topic:

When was your book published?

Who wrote your book? (give more information about the author for extra detail)

Why is this book important?

Give a brief 3 minute summary of your book

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I'm going to try allowing comments on the blog. If you'd like to make a comment feel free. This is a school so keep it safe. One thought is people could comment on the blog if they have an idea or volunteer for something. Thanks!